العِلْمُ بِلَا عَمَلٍ جُنُوْن والعَمَل بِلَا عِلْمٍ لاَ یَکُوْن

'Knowledge without action is madness and action without knowledge is futile.'

- Imam al-Ghazali رحمه اللّه تعالیٰ


Short Introduction

Rooh ul Madina Academy

Rooh ul Madina Academy is a dedicated Islamic educational institution committed to disseminating the authentic teachings of Islam globally. This institution was founded by the and erudite Islamic scholar, Allama Maulana Mufti Haider Ali Qadri, a recognized Mudarris. He has devoted his life to teaching the profound wisdom of Islam, consistently striving to illuminate the spiritual essence of our faith, which has been conveyed through the wisdom of Ulama, Auliya, and Fuqaha for over 14 centuries...

A modern online islamic learning platform

Every tool and opportunity under one roof for the student of islamic knowledge.

Rooh Ul Madina Academy provides a tailored online learning experience for Islamic sciences of Ahl us-Sunnah wa al -Jama'ah Wal Jama'ah.

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Mufti of Darul ifta Rooh ul Madina

Mufti Haider Ali al-Ashhabi

Mufti Haider Ali Qadri is a renowned Sunni Scholar of the deen and is a top class mudarris of Ahl us-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah. He has the capacity and the knowledge to in a very detailed manner teach all the books that are taught in the traditional Dars-e-Nizami Islamic Scholar Courses. Mufti Haider Ali Qadri’s own interest is to teach. Thus he has through tireless studying acquired the capability of teaching the academic books of Dars e Nizami in a very sensible and easy way to the male and female students, so they can understand. Mufti Sahab teaches in a very convenient and easy way which makes even the hardest parts easy for the students to comprehend.

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Learn what our students have to say about Rooh Ul Madina

We are proud to have served our students for soon over 10 years. Teaching them the Quran and Sunnah and helping them to become better Muslims. Here are some of the things they have to say about us.

    • Root Ul Madina Academy cannot be described in words and must be experienced in order to fully appreciate the outstanding knowledge that is taught to each and every student. Our Mentors method of teaching and explaining is always personalized to you, the student's ability to understand. There is no such thing as being too fast paced or finishing before fully grasping the topic; you are encouraged to revise and ask questions, no matter how insignificant, so that what is being taught is genuinely memorized. I've never felt more at ease learning something so important to me, and having the ability to ask questions and receive correct answers is always reassuring.

      Alisha Neelam
      Obligatory Knowledge Course (فرض علوم)
    • With the grace of Allah, I've studied at Rooh Ul Madina Academy since its inception. I've always felt that Rooh Ul Madina Academy combines both worlds of tradition and unparallelled modernity in terms of the way the courses are taught. The teachers are always available to answer questions and the course material is always available to students. I've never felt more at ease learning something so important to me, and having the ability to ask questions and receive correct answers is always reassuring.

      Muhammad Hassan Nazar
      Dars e Nizami Program (درس نظامی)
    • Having spent very transformative years at Rooh ul Madina Academy, I feel compelled to share my profound experiences and impressions of this esteemed educational establishment. Led by the exceptional guidance of Mufti Haider Ali Qadri, Rooh ul Madina Academy has played a pivotal role in shaping my spiritual growth, providing me with a profound understanding of Islamic sciences, and nurturing my overall character development. Under the tutelage of Mufti Haider Ali Qadri, Rooh ul Madina Academy has consistently maintained an unwavering commitment to academic excellence. His exceptional teaching skills, combined with his profound knowledge and mastery of the Islamic sciences, have fostered an environment conducive to comprehensive learning. Mufti Haider Ali Qadri possesses a unique ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in a relatable manner, catering to students of various backgrounds and aptitudes. His passion for imparting knowledge is evident in his engaging lectures, which have undoubtedly deepened my understanding of Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and Tasawwuf. Mufti Haider Ali Qadri's spiritual guidance has been nothing short of inspirational. His unwavering commitment to his students' spiritual well-being has created an environment that fosters self-reflection, personal growth, and a genuine connection with Allah.

      Muhammad Ali Nazar
      Dars e Nizami Program (درس نظامی)
    • Rooh Ul Madina Academy highly focuses on the quality of Islamic Scholar Education. The owner of this academy Mufti Haider Ali Qadri teaches the traditional Dars-e-Nizami books with a unique and attractive style. I have not found any other online Islamic academy which teaches you the way they teaches.

      Muhammad Shahzad Khan Qadri
      Dars e Nizami Program (درس نظامی)
    • روح المدینہ میں حضرت علامہ مولانا مفتی حیدر علی قادری دامت برکاتہم العالیہ نے کیا، جس کا مقصد اسلام کے حقیقی علم کو دنیا کے چاروں کونوں تک پہنچانا ہے۔ اکیڈمی کا مقصد آج کے تکنیکی ذرائع کو استعمال میں لا کر اسلام اور اس کی حقیقی روح کے سیکھنے کو آسان بنانے کے لیے استعمال کرنا ہے۔ علم دین سیکھنے کی خواہش رکھنے والے گھر بیٹھے درس نظامی کر سکتے ہیں۔ درس نظامی کے علاوہ بھی اکیڈٖمی مختلف اسلامی کورسز کرواتی ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ دین کی ترویج کے لیے موجودہ ذرائع جیسے فیس بک، واٹس ایپ، ٹیوٹر اور دیگر سوشل میڈیا پلیٹ فارم پر بھی اکیڈمی کی جانب سے قرآن، حدیث، فقہ اور اقوال پر مبنی پوسٹ وغیرہ شیئر کی جاتی ہیں جو کہ علم میں اضافہ کے باعث بتنی ہیں۔ دعا ہے کہ اللہ عزوجل روح المدینہ اکیڈمی کے بانی حضرت علامہ مولانا مفتی حیدر علی القادری الشھبی دامت برکاتہم العالیہ اور ان کے رفقہا کو عمر بالخیر عطا فرمائے اور برکتیں عطا فرمائے اور یونہی دین کی ترویج کرتے رہنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے۔ (آمین یارب العالمین)

      محمد قیصر مصطفی القادری العطاری
      Dars e Nizami Program (درس نظامی)