This course aims to bring the words of the Quran closer to your heart by explaining their meanings and interpretations. It's structured to provide a deeper comprehension of the Quran's rich text, diving into its context, nuances, and the vast ocean of wisdom it embodies.
Duration: 1 Year 6 Months (@ 100% study rate)
Price: $ 79 / month
- Covering the entire Quran
- Learn from qualified and experienced teachers
- Study in a traditional environment
Important note
Separate classes will be provided for male and female students. Please be aware that we will be providing flexible timings for the busy and working Brothers and sisters. It is important to attend the classes and study properly during and after the lectures.
Course Details
Throughout this course, we will study the Quran verse by verse, chapter by chapter, covering every aspect - from translation to Tafseer. Tafseer ul Quran is the detailed commentary and explanation of the Quranic verses, taking into consideration the historical, cultural, and social context of the time they were revealed. It provides a profound understanding of the Divine message, often detailing the life of the Prophet ﷺ and the stories of the Prophets before him, the lessons they taught, and the wisdom they imparted. We will delve into renowned Tafaseer (plural of Tafseer) by notable scholars, exploring different viewpoints and interpretations, ensuring a well-rounded understanding. We also aim to enhance your language skills, teaching Arabic grammar (Tajweed) and vocabulary to help you independently read and understand the Quran.
Course objectives
This course will cover the entire Quran, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, providing a deep understanding of the Divine message and its wisdom.
After completion of the course, the student should:
- Deep Understanding of Quran: To instill a deep and comprehensive understanding of the Holy Quran's message.
- Translation Skills: To equip students with the skills necessary to translate Quranic text accurately.
- Tafseer Knowledge: To provide students with an understanding of major Tafaseer and the ability to understand and interpret Quranic verses in context.
- Understanding Quranic Arabic: To impart fundamental Quranic Arabic skills to help students read and understand the Quran directly.
- Historical and Contextual Knowledge: To offer an understanding of the historical and societal context of Quranic revelations to better comprehend their meanings.
- Spiritual Development: To foster spiritual growth and development by connecting students with the Divine message and teachings of the Quran.
- Personal Growth: To enable students to apply the wisdom and guidance of the Quran in their everyday lives for personal and moral growth.
Course subjects
Central to the course are the following subjects:
- Introduction to Quranic Studies: Basic understanding of the Quran's structure, compilation, and the chronology of revelation.
- Translation of the Quran: Detailed translation of the Quran in the language of instruction.
- Tafseer Studies: Deep-dive into famous Tafaseer, such as Tafseer ibn Kathir, Tafseer Al-Jalalayn, Tafseer Al-Tabari, and Tafseer Al-Qurtubi, among others.
- Asbab Al-Nuzul (Reasons of Revelation): Understanding the context of the verses' revelation to fully comprehend their meanings.
- Life and Times of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him): Contextual understanding of the Prophet's life events related to the revelation of specific verses.
- Stories of the Prophets and Lessons: Detailed examination of the Prophets' stories mentioned in the Quran, their trials, and the lessons we can learn.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions about the course,please contact us at courses@roohulmadina.com

Get started today
قال رسول الله صلی اللّه علیه وسلم
من تفقه في دين الله عز وجل كفاه الله تعالى ما أهمه وَرَزَقَهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ
"Whoever acquires knowledge in the religion of God Almighty, God Almighty will suffice him for what matters to him and provide for him from where he does not expect."
( رواه الحافظ أبو نعيم في مسند الإمام أبي حنيفة)
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Frequently asked questions
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What languages does Rooh Ul Madina Academy provide courses in?
Most of our courses and programs can be studied in a variety of different languages, including English, Urdu, Arabic, Swedish and more. To review the languages available for a particular course, visit the course or program page for further information.
Are there any subscription costs for accessing the Online Academy?
Absolutely not, you pay for any enrolled courses or programs.
What is the mode of education at Rooh ul Madina?
Rooh ul Madina academy provides courses and programs that are taught in-person or online (either one-on-one or joint classes), and also as self-paced online courses.
Tell me about Rooh Ul Madina Academy?
Rooh ul Madina Islamic Academy is a sunni islamic educational institute that provides a variety of courses and programs for students of all ages and backgrounds. We are based in Pakistan with branches word-wide, but our courses and programs are available to students all over the world. Our aim is to spread the orthodox islamic creed as conveyed by Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari and Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī al-Samarḳandī and jurisprudence as gathered and conveyed by Imam Abū Ḥanīfa (رحمه الله تعالی).
I've enrolled in a course/program but wish to discontinue my subscription, how do I do that?
Until we've developed an automated form, we request you to contact us at enrollment@roohulmadina.com and we will gladly help you out with any enquiry.
Do you provide students with books necessary for the courses?
This varies based on each course and program, we generally provide students with PDF books for each course. Occasionally, we also provide students with physical books (for example, the books for the Arabic Language Program).
I lost my password, how do I get into my account?
Send us an email at account@roohulmadina.com and we'll gladly help you out.